Saturday, May 7, 2011

在ubuntu11.04中安装java来运行dirsync pro



DirSync Pro is developed in Java and it is multi-platform. It means DirSync Pro could be run under any Operating System which has Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You can download JRE at for free.

软件是绿色的,下载了windows 7 pro的版本很好用。就想也要另一台装了ubuntu11.04的电脑上也用用,可是这台电脑上java还没装好。今天又试了试,找到安装指导文档,很轻松的就装上了。


Java is a technology from Sun Microsystems. There are several implementations, of which five will be talked about here:
  • OpenJDK: The primary goal of the OpenJDK project is to produce an open-source implementation of the Java SE 6 Platform.
  • Sun Java: Sun Java is the reference implementation.
  • IBM Java: IBM Java is a reimplementation with a Just-In-Time Compiler. It is only available from IBM's website. It is the preferred Java solution on PowerPC machines.

Open JDK

Installation of Java Runtime Environment

Browser plugin

This plugin work with the most important browser: Firefox, Chromium, Google Chrome, Epiphany.
On Konqueror, go to Settings → Configure Konqueror... and from menu select Java & JavaScript, then tick Enable Java globally option.

SDK (Software Development Kit)

Sun Java

Installation of Java Runtime Environment

  • Install sun-java6-jre packages in any method present in partner repository.
  • In order to install the previus version, install sun-java5-jre packages in any method.
Kubuntu user maybe any problem if they try to install with Kpackagekit. Is impossible agree the licence. To complete the installation please use apt-get.

Browser plugin

  • Install sun-java6-plugin packages in any method present in partner repository.
  • In order to install the previus version, install sun-java5-plugin packages in any method.
This plugin work with the most important browser:: Firefox, Chromium, Google Chrome, Epiphany. A control panel is also present in System → Preference → Sun Java 6 Plugin Control Panel.

SDK (Software Development Kit)

  • Install sun-java6-jdk packages in any method present in partner repository.
  • In order to install the previus version, install sun-java5-jdk in any method.
  • In alternativa, è possibile installare la versione precedente attraverso il pacchetto sun-java5-jdk.
At the end of installation process the application will present in Application → Programming → Sun Java 6 VisualVM.

Choosing the default Java to use

If on system are present different versions of Java, typing the following command in a terminal window:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
to choose the version that you desire.

GNU Compiler for Java

Install java-gcj-compat-headless packages in any method.
To install the development environment, install the java-gcj-compat-dev package.
GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class files. Gcjwebplugin is a little web browser plugin to execute Java applets.
It is targeted for Mozilla and compatible browsers that support the NPAPI. Others include the Eclipse Java Compiler, which is maintained by the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse is an open-source Integrated development environment (IDE) written primarily in Java. The Eclipse open source community has over 60 open source projects. OpenJDK is the open source Java, derived from sources which will become OpenJDK 7 in the future.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

25种我在十秒内离开你的页面的原因_建站经验_中国站长站 CHINAZ.COM

25种我在十秒内离开你的页面的原因_建站经验_中国站长站 CHINAZ.COM

是什么让人们在打开你的网页没多久就按下返回键?他们为什么那么快就想摆脱你的网站?可以做些什么来改善这一点呢?让用户在你的网站有个愉快的体验 并不是件容易的事情。实际上大多数网站都会多多少少有些问题。但是看看下面这些负面因素并努力避免,或许可以对于做出更有用户黏性的网站有好处。来,从最 糟糕的开始说吧……

Tuesday, March 23, 2010




Friday, December 25, 2009

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asia Supermarkt Chemnitz


Sunday, December 20, 2009




test 2